Healing Services

The purpose of all Soul Aloe services are the same— to guide you back to your own inner voice and vitality. 


Reiki is a Japanese method of energy healing conducted through light touch. There are many health benefits of Reiki and it can be used to aid in physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental wellness.

Private, in-person sessions or virtual options are available. Sessions can also be combined with a tarot reading.


Some think tarot cards are witchcraft, which is not true! Tarot cards possess deep wisdom and life lessons and can be used to paint a personal story for the recipient of the past, present and advice for the future.

Sessions can be conducted in-person or virtually.


Meditation is an essential way to connect with your inner guidance. However, many of us have been living such busy lives that it can be challenging to quiet our minds.

If you find meditating alone to be difficult, guided meditations can help. We offer one-on-one or group meditations either in-person or virtually.


Diving deeper into your spiritual journey can be tough. We offer coaching services to help you make manageable progress, one step at a time. The coaching program may include Human Design, star charts, breath work, guided journaling, meditation, mindful movement and many other modalities.

Sessions are customized and are available either in-person or virtually.

Ecstatic Dance

Dancing is a powerful way to relieve stress and anxiety and is a beautiful outlet for connecting with your own body, while also releasing the mind. Expressive dance events are group activities cultivated within a safe space where individual expression is encouraged and nurtured.

Expressive dance services will be offered starting early-mid 2024.

Group Events

Incorporating spiritual modalities into group gatherings (2 or more) can help to build teams, deepen relationships, and celebrate the uniqueness of each other.

To determine the right activities for your group, we will consult with you about your objectives and can include personalized human design/ star chart discussions, tailored expressive dance mixes, group tarot card readings, group Reiki, and more! Contact us with some details about your event to get started.

  • All discussions and information provided during sessions are confidential. I will never discuss your name AND any details shared to the media, in public or private settings, or to anyone that may request the information unless I receive written express permission from you. Anonymous details of sessions may be shared but will not contain any personal identifying information, and will be done so under the judgement of Soul Aloe only for the benefit of spreading further healing in the community.

  • Whether preparing for reiki, tarot, coaching or any other service, the preparation is the same.

    1. Spend a few moments determining your intention for the session. Maybe it’s to let go of some lingering fears. Maybe it’s to cultivate more compassion. It’s best to write down your intention and keep it somewhere that you can references.

    2. On the day of your session, drink a lot of fresh water. Dress comfortably for your session— workout clothes are just fine!

    3. Keep an open mind and open heart. It’s best not to have specific expectations. What’s meant for your highest good will show up, but may look differently than you expected

  • You can expect a private, safe space to express yourself however you feel, whether that be through words, no words, tears, or laughter. For Reiki, you will spend the majority of the time laying down in a meditative state.

  • For Tarot Readings, you will be asked to have some participation. First, you will need a question you are seeking answers to, but this is something we will help you formulate. Then, you may be asked to participate in shuffling the cards and selecting cards.

  • For guided meditations, you will have the option to sit or lay down. We will guide you through a meditation and you may be asked to participate in different breathing exercises, light movement, and visualization.

  • A coaching session is very interactive. We will ask you to share what feels right for you. You may be asked to participate in multiple different modalities such as oracle cards, star charts, journaling, meditation, light movement, breath work, and more.

  • Spiritual healing is a lifelong pursuit and requires ongoing growth and discovery. However, usually clients experience feelings of lightness, peace and ease after a session. Crying or uncontrollable movement can also occur which are good ways of purging stagnant energy. Sometimes you may feel different sensations, such as tingling or heat, or see visions/colors.

  • All sessions are held in a private space that is sanitized after each use. Masks are optional. If you are experiencing symptoms, we will gladly reschedule your session at no cost.

  • Hydration and rest is very important. We suggest journaling about your experience right after your session and paying attention to any changes in the way you feel over the next few days. We always recommend getting quiet alone time, as much as possible, to reflect and listen.

“We are all just walking each other home.” —Ram Dass