What are Chakras Anyway? 3 Reasons You Should Care

The word “chakra” is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel.” Sanskrit is an ancient language which originated in India and is the primary sacred language of classical Hindu philosophy and many sacred texts and poetry. Sanskrit has also been foundational in other religions as well, such as Buddhism.

As you learn more about chakras, you will see that the translation of “wheel” makes a lot of sense. Our bodies contain multiple different points of energy (chakras). These points of energy are moving and spinning like a wheel when open or healthy, but can become stagnant if blocked.

Generally speaking, there are seven main chakras and each one corresponds with a certain part of the body and a certain color:

  1. Crown — top of the head — violet

  2. Third Eye — between eyebrows — indigo

  3. Throat — front and back of neck — blue

  4. Heart — middle of chest — green

  5. Solar Plexus — above the navel — yellow

  6. Sacral — below the navel — orange

  7. Root — tailbone — red


Noticing these wheels of energy takes mindfulness and attention. Chakra energy is often subtle. Meditation and breath work can help you to become more attuned to your own energy field, and can even cause physical sensations where these chakras reside. It may feel like blocked energy releasing in the body or energy moving from one part of the body to another.

During our hustle and bustle lifestyles— work, kids, school, family— you may feel like you’ve never noticed your chakras before, or you may not be convinced that they even exist. Our challenge to you is to try. We spend far too much of our time and attention on things outside of ourselves— instagram, sports, career, fashion. Ancient civilizations had far less distractions that we do. Let’s not discount their wisdom and knowledge simply because it was a long time ago.

rainbow colors of energy chakras

Here are three reasons why you would benefit from paying more attention to your chakras.

  1. Chakras Can Improve Physical Health & Wellbeing

    The main seven chakras are intend to flow openly from one to the next. When all chakras are open and spinning, your energy field is flowing freely. This enables your cells to function at optimal levels, your blood to circulate well, your body able to fight off infections, and so much more.

    When chakras are blocked, especially for long periods of time, this can lead to physical disease or discomfort. For example, a blocked solar plexus chakra can result in digestive issues. Or a blocked throat chakra can lead to chronic thyroid issues.

  2. Chakras Can Boost Confidence and Support Emotional Health

    Chakras do not only influence physical elements of the body. Each chakra is also associated with different mental or emotional characteristics as well. An open root chakra, for example, is personified by having a deep trust and purpose in life. When you feel grounded and supported, life challenges do not take such a toll on your psyche. A blocked root chakra can lead to feeling lost, feeling unsafe, and feelings of depression.

    As another example, an open throat chakra means that you are comfortable speaking your truth or advocating for yourself or others. If your throat chakra is blocked, you may find yourself censoring your words, swallowing your thoughts, or not having the confidence to speak your mind.

  3. Chakras Influence Your “Vibe”

    We all interact with people where we can’t necessarily explain it, we just like their vibe. They may have an uplifting or attractive quality that draws you in and makes you feel intrigued and at ease. On the contrary, we’ve all interacted with people where we just want to run away— maybe nothing they said or did, just not a good vibe.

    Open chakras intensify our energy field. If flowing freely, chakra energy can often expand beyond our bodies into our auras. There are said to also be seven layers of our aura which can expand several feet beyond our bodies, when healthy. Therefore, your aura is mixing with other people’s auras throughout your daily encounters. This is another reason why who you spend your time with matters and why maintaining your chakras is so important!

Your energy introduces you even before you speak.
— Unknown

If all of this information is new and you’ve never paid attention to your chakras, not to worry. Your being has an amazing way of healing itself once you give it what it needs. But, now you know and this may be your sign to take action.

Why go one more day less powerful than you could be? Why not add some new habits to set yourself up for happier and healthier days ahead?

To get started, some great ways are:

  • Meditation/ yoga

  • Getting enough sleep and quiet time

  • Eating healthy and balanced meals

  • Positive affirmations and self-talk

  • Daily gratitude practice

  • Seeing a Reiki practitioner

For questions or information on how we can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


  • Dictionary.com

  • Wikipedia

  • Healthline

  • WebMD


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